Schrijf je in voor de maandelijkse inspiratie mail: The Entrepreneurial Playbook

Marketing Manager
On Demand

– Your CMO-on-demand –

Do you want to make your company a strong brand and be more visible?
With my 12 years of marketing and strategy experience, you can think of me as your Chief Marketing Officer who thinks, looks and reads along with you, but above all hands-on with you and your team to bring the marketing plans next level.

A dedicated sparring partner for your business that helps you create more focus, direction and visibility.

More focus, direction and clarity

You would like to take the next step in your business.
For example, an (international) expansion, a new business idea, more turnover and more customers.
You need more clarity and direction, so you know how to get there.
A clear and concrete plan with a clear dot on the horizon.

Dedicated business and marketing support

You have many plans and ambitions, but where to start?
You would like to spar with someone to take the next steps, but not just be coached.
You want someone to proactively think and look with you so that you – and your team – can move forward.

Becoming visible as a brand

As a company, you want to show what you stand for and what you deliver.
You want to feel proud, you want to attract the right customers and you want to make an impact.
In short, you really want to become visible as a brand. I help you – and your team – become a strong brand.

Who am I?

I’m Rosa and I have over 12 years of marketing and strategy experience. I have worked in the advertising and media business in The Netherlands in brand strategy and brand partnerships. I have been working as a brand strategist for over 5 years now. I have led several (re)positioning projects and helped entrepreneurs with their business- and marketing plans. In my approach I combine enthusiasm, creativity, strategic vision and a hands-on mindset to help you and your business move forward.

Wat kun je verwachten

What to expect

Together we will work to increase the visibility of you/your company.

Becoming a strong brand is an ongoing process that we will build together. We define what kind of growth you want to achieve with your/your company and then work towards this goal together with you and your team. Besides being a strategist, I am also your 1-on-1 brainstorm partner*.

*I am the sparring partner for you as an entrepreneur and/or your team or marketer.

How does it work?

We start with a Strategy Sprint™️, in which within one day you will have your business plans and vision clear again. This will also produce a roadmap for the coming year with top 10 priorities.

Then we meet once a week or once every two weeks and work specifically on the marketing and communication actions that grow your business as a brand.

Every company has a different focus point, which is why the strategy sprint is always the foundation of the process.

From there we can work on:

  • Marketing and content plans incl content calendar
  • Refine the value proposition
  • Clear offer and services
  • Website communication
  • Clear goals

I ensure we stay focused on the strategic goals and maintain a clear overview with you. I’m always available for questions, and you can email me anytime to get my input. I keep you and your team accountable and regularly check in to see how things are progressing. And of course, I work hands-on on the marketing and communications plans.

I’m your dedicated Chief Marketing Officer, ready to step in whenever needed. In short, your CMO on-demand.

Shall we schedule an introduction to see if we are a match together?

Included in the service:

    • 1 Strategy Sprint of a day in which your business or marketing roadmap (depending on the question) and related actions become clear
    • 1x every 2 weeks (zoom) sprints á +/-1 hour check in, revise on marketing plans and hands-on coaching/ accountability for you/your team. It might be that 1x per week is necessary, or that I need to meet with different teams/team members on a weekly basis. We will determine this together during the kick-off.
    • Managing the team I make sure your team stays on track and guides them to meet our goals. I work hands-on together with them on our marketing plans.
    • 24/7 support for questions via email Send me texts, ideas, collaborations , etc. and I will think with you how we can incorporate and use this in marketing and communication;
    • Strategy (or marketing) dashboard with strategic roadmap in Trello or Notion.
      In this I collect all to do’s and ideas and work with you/your team from a fine overview;

Possible additions:

  • Marketing and content plan
  • Rebranding process (with design and website development)
  • Execute content and marketing (i.c.w. your team / my own team)

The sessions take place once every two weeks. So that you have space in between to get started. You can always email me with questions or hold things against me.

However we can decide to meet more frequently if necessary.

The duration of the partnership is 90 days and is renewable afterwards.

Shall we schedule an introduction to see if we are a match?

Why a CMO on-demand?

Not every company has a Chief Marketing Officer at its disposal full-time, nor is that at all necessary.

However, it is nice to have someone with experience who can check with you whether you are on the right track and proactively thinks with you which steps and actions are needed in marketing and communication to let your company grow as a strong brand.

After more than 12 years of marketing and strategy experience, I can help you create more clarity, focus, direction and visibility. I help you/your team to set the actions, that match your ambitions.

I am a dedicated strategic marketing partner always thinking how we can take the next step of growth with your business.

"A business led from a clear and solid foundation creates more fun, connection and growth."

1. Getting things done

We work together one-on-one in bi-weekly sprints, refining plans, reviewing texts, campaigns, website design, and more. You’ll not only set your goals with me but also gain clarity on where your business is headed and the steps you need to take to get there.

2. Dedicated CMO

As an entrepreneur, it’s often challenging to make time for long-term marketing and communications plans on top of your daily tasks. You might not even know where to begin. With me as your dedicated Chief Marketing Officer, we’ll work together in a focused and strategic way to get those plans in motion.

3. Solid foundation

There are million of books, business models and ways to run a successful business. However, it is important that you create a business that matches exactly with what you stand for as an entrepreneur. A business that is led from a clear essence and powerful promise leads to more fun, connection and growth.

Plan discovery call

You can also schedule a (free) meeting in my calendar below.

Let's do this!

Are you ready to take focused action in 2024 and 2025 and become visible as a strong brand?
To be clear about where you are going and to take focused action together with me?

Send me an email with the challenges your facing right now and and we will plan a meeting together to see how I can help you further.

Why &Rosa?

In addition to over 12 years of marketing and strategy experience at RTL and &C Media, among others, I have gained a lot of experience over the past few years within various SME+ companies and start-ups to hone brand strategy and work out next steps.
I have coached entrepreneurs, been coached myself and attended various programs on how to grow your business and become more visible.
By now I know that a combination of strategy, mindset and action is the basis for success.
You can have such a strong business and marketing strategy, without focused action nothing happens.
And so in this program I combine the best of both worlds: working on a clear strategy for your business and making very concrete what it takes to get there.

I'm working in a company as a marketeer, CTO, manager

Yes! You do not need to have your own company for this collaboration. If you are a marketeer, manager, creative or project manager and you could use some extra help then this track is definitely for you. Let’s schedule a call together with your manager/director and see how we can shape this collaboration together.

When can I schedule a session?

We schedule the sessions together and take place once a week or once every two weeks, which we will determine together during the kick off.

After we are a match, we first plan a 1-day Strategy Sprint to get a clear picture of where the company is now and what future plans you have. Even if you already have this clear for yourself, it’s nice to have an experienced marketeer to exchange ideas with. You get a clear roadmap with top 10 priorities, which forms the basis for the rest of the collaboration.

What are the costs?

Collaboration 1-on-1 for 90 days is from €5500 (excl VAT) per 90 days.
Depends on how many check-in moments and hands-on work is needed.

I have another question

Send me an email with your question to and I’ll be happy to help you out.

The Entrepreneurial playbook

The Entrepreneurial Playbook

Maandelijkse (gratis) inspiratie mail voor ondernemende types over (personal) branding, mindset en creativiteit en finance.

&Rosa merkstrateeg coaching

Zullen we even persoonlijk kennismaken?

Ik denk graag met je mee hoe jij jouw organisatie- en businessplannen verder kan brengen. Tijdens een vrijblijvende digitale koffie date maken we kennis, kletsen we over jouw business en geef ik tips.